National Eye Database
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User Manual
Registration & Security Policy
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How to access the NED web application

  1. Register your centre as a Source Data Provider (SDP) with the NED Management.

  2. Authorisation List & Security Policy
    Fill in the Authorisation List form for the purpose of access control and individually sign the Security Policy form to receive your username and password.
    Download forms here:-
    - Authorization Form
    - Security Policy

  3. For Registration or Transfer to other Hospital / Clinic, you can directly request to the eNED State Manager:

Each authorised user is required to read through, understand and sign the Security Policy for NED Web Application before being authorised to access the application. This is to ensure that users play an active role in ensuring security of data at their level.

Security Policy

As a good security practice you are strongly advised to:

Keep your password confidential!

  • Avoid sharing or divulging your Password to anyone. This includes any person who may appear to represent or work for the Registry. Our administrator never requires your password at any time.
  • Avoid using the same Web Application Password for any other web-based services such as for e-mail or for Internet Service Provider login.
  • Avoid choosing a Password that is easily anticipated by a third party, like your NRIC number, telephone number, date of birth, etc.. You should select a unique Password to make it difficult for anyone to anticipate.
  • Avoid writing down or "saving" your Password on your browser or any other software. Memorise your Password.
  • If you suspect your Password may have been compromised, change your Password immediately.

Ensure you are accessing the correct website!

  • Never access the website via a hyperlink from an e-mail. Always enter the correct website address yourself, which is and click on NED link

Only access Web Application using a secure and trusted computer!

  • Never access your Web Application on computers / devices which you have doubts with regard to security, such as those located in public places. If you have to use such computers (for example, when you are on trips), change your password once you have access to a secure computer.
  • Keep your operating system (eg. Microsoft Windows) and Internet-related software updated with the latest security patches.
  • Protect your computer from viruses and malicious programs with anti-virus software and firewalls where possible. Always update your anti-virus software with the latest virus signatures.
  • Always log out your Internet web application session by clicking on the "logout" button whenever you leave your computer, even for a short while. Do not simply close the browser window when you wish to end the Web Application session.

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